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ISSUE 2011-02: August 23, 2011

In This Issue

WorkSafeBC Rates for 2012


Principles for Principals


School Start-up Safety




Quick Links

Refusal of Unsafe Work Flow Chart



If you have questions about the issues raised in this newsletter, or any health, safety or wellness issue, please contact Sue Ferguson at 604.730.4502 or

Rates 2012


Preliminary rate information was presented on August 16 by WorkSafeBC Business Information and Analysis, and is now available. Please see the BCPSEA website to view the WorkSafe PowerPoint presentations related to school districts.


This is a good news situation. From a rate perspective, the rate is down 20% from $0.69 in 2011 to $0.55 in 2012 due to two factors:


1.     the lower cost rate

2.     the improved rate group surplus


However, once the balance is gone, everything else being equal, the total cost rate for the insurance will be $0.65.


The Classification Unit Overview presentation provides a high level view of OHS information over a five year period. This information may identify trends, correlations and comparisons useful to the employer when developing strategies and initiatives to prevent injuries and reduce costs.


Highlights of the 2006–2010 Public School Overview show a downward trend in the number of claims, cost of claims, work days lost, and the overall injury rate. There is, however, a continuing increase in the days lost per claim. The injury rate for public school districts remains lower than the injury rate for all BC classification units combined. Custodians account for 25% of claims. Elementary and Secondary School Assistants account for 22% of claims. Over-exertion and falls on the same level remain the top two accident types. These components are cost drivers that affect the employer’s net rate and can be controlled through effective prevention and injury management/return to work programs.

Principles for Principals

BCPSEA has successfully applied for a small initiative grant from WorkSafeBC. Funding is being provided to develop and publish a resource to assist school-based administrators in dealing with common occupational health and safety issues. Sue Ferguson is working with a focus group from the BC Principals’ and Vice Principals’ Association (BCPVPA) and will be seeking input and recommendations from others in the field during the development of the document. This will be provided as a web document and in limited numbers as hard copy, with anticipated availability in early in 2012.

School Start-up Safety


Accident and injury rates frequently increase during the first month of school. People are coming back from a lengthy period of activity that is different from their routine school work. Educational Assistants may be working with new students or familiar students who have grown and may have changed behaviours after the two months in the summer. Student care plans and behavioural plans need to be reviewed and training may also need to be updated.


For further information, please contact Sue Ferguson at


BC Public School Employers' Association
400 – 1333 West Broadway, Vancouver BC V6H 4C1
Tel: 604.730.0739   Fax: 604.730.0787 / Privacy Policy